How to Overcome Bulimia


Fortunately, bulimia is treatable and reversible. Treatment may last from months to years, depending on the severity of the disorder. Many people recover from bulimia after treatment, but relapses are common. In fact, 55% of people with bulimia relapsed within five years. Treatment should be sought as early as possible in order to improve chances of recovery. This article will address some of the main strategies for overcoming bulimia.

Overeating or binge eating should not be confused with bulimia. Overeating is often an individual’s way to deal with difficult emotions. A person suffering from bulimia feels disconnected from their eating and may binge eat foods that they would normally avoid. Binge eating is often an attempt to make up for unhappiness, shame, or failure. By learning to recognize and manage these unhealthy mental habits, you can treat bulimia and make your life better.

In addition to binge eating and self-induced vomiting, bulimia can also affect a person’s body image. Those who suffer from bulimia may experience bruising or calluses on the back of their knuckles. Additionally, a person suffering from bulimia may suffer from sores on the inside of their mouth, swelling of their salivary glands, and dehydration. Moreover, women with bulimia have an increased risk of developing a baby with birth defects and smaller size than usual.

If you notice that someone you care about is struggling with bulimia, don’t hesitate to talk to them about it. Even though they might seem like they know the problem, they may feel ashamed or angry, which makes it even more important to have an open and honest discussion about it. A trusted friend or family member can help the person with bulimia by offering encouragement or a ride to the doctor’s appointment. However, it’s important to remember that bulimia is not curable, but the first step toward recovery is recognizing the symptoms and identifying the person with bulimia.

Some factors that influence the risk of bulimia include family traits and genetics. Behavioral disorders like bulimia can also develop during puberty, when a person’s body becomes more aware of itself. Another risk factor for bulimia is bullying and shaming, which can lead to low self-esteem and body image issues. A study conducted in 2013 found that the brain activity of bulimics and non-bulimics is different. Interestingly, these changes in brain activity suggest a link between bulimics and non-bulimics.

The main problem with bulimia is that the symptoms can be very severe, and a person suffering from bulimia may not even realize it. While the condition is incredibly hard to treat, there are numerous centers in the US that offer high-quality treatment. The best way to find a treatment program that will address your particular case is to seek professional help. There are also many self-help resources online and in person. When you are ready to start your treatment, contact a local support group or a qualified psychologist.

Bulimia treatment begins with a diagnosis. A physician may suspect that the symptoms of bulimia are related to the disorder’s relationship with food and body image. A physical examination and a psychological evaluation may be necessary to rule out other medical conditions. If symptoms persist, doctors may refer you to a psychiatrist for further evaluation. However, treatment takes time and careful guidance can help the patient overcome the condition. Bulimia is treatable and can be reversed if diagnosed early.

Treatment of bulimia involves a combination of behavioral therapy and education about healthy eating. One such treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), focuses on correcting the distorted thinking patterns that trigger binge-eating behaviors. Other methods of treatment include antidepressants, psychotherapy, and group talk therapy. Among the options available, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a common option. This approach aims to help patients work through the thoughts and emotions that cause them to feel self-conscious.

The physical signs of bulimia include a smell of vomit and the use of high-calorie calorie-burners. Some sufferers may even stick their fingers down their throats to induce vomiting. Additionally, people with bulimia often have discolored teeth and chipmunk cheeks. Most sufferers are normal weight, but their weight may fluctuate rapidly. When a diagnosis is made, the patient may undergo a psychological evaluation and may have blood tests to check their overall health.

Other physical effects of bulimia include painful vomiting that can damage the teeth or lead to gum disease. The stomach acid can also damage the vocal cords, causing painful sores in the mouth and throat. Further, repeated vomiting may cause the esophagus to rupture and require urgent surgery. Eventually, the victim may experience heartburn, constipation, and swollen hands and feet. It is important to seek treatment as early as possible if bulimia has become too severe to control.